Bulk upload keywords

Last modified: January 12, 2023
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Create new keywords

Step 1: Download the sample file (TOOLS – BULK UPLOAD KEYWORDS – GET SAMPLE CSV)

Step 2: Fill up the sample file with the required info & save it as CSV.

**id column should be blank for new keywords.

Step 3: Drag/upload the saved file to the system and click the buttonUPDATE OR CREATE‘ to import the file.

The status will show you about the file:
NEW=New keywords

Status OK= Successfully uploaded to the system
If you’ve got the warning of keywords invalid. Please check the file. There might have some missing columns.

Update to the existing keywords

Step 1: Export the keywords from the system by filtering the keywords and clicking the export button on the top right. (KEYWORDS > EXPORT)

Step 2: Open the file and update the data in the file.

All the existing keywords will consist of the id for recognization. Keep it for the keywords update.

Step 3: Drag the updated file to the system and click the update button. (TOOLS > BULK UPLOAD KEYWORDS)

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