Guide Your Customer

Last modified: August 16, 2021
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Training your customer to Boxify FB Live System 

So now you’re going to start your page with Boxify FB Live System. Maybe you have gotten your customer accustomed to comment buying but they are not yet familiar with Boxify FB Live System. Every customer deserves an introduction on how to purchase. It’s your job to guide them.


Facebook live can be such a powerful tool. In fact, engagement is almost always higher on videos. Our first tip is a live chat with your customers about Boxify FB Live System. Make the video long enough to answer any questions they may have. Here are some pointers you may want to touch on in your video:

  • Introduction with photos instruction: Make a short introduction of the steps/rules of the ordering method to post on your wall before your live start. 
  • Keywords: Teach your customer to type the keyword to place the order.
  • Prepare a short video or photo instruction to guide your customer to go through the process of the shopping cart submission.
The process of the shopping cart submission
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