Pin Comment Template

Last modified: November 12, 2022
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You can customize the pin comment message here. It makes you pin the comment fast & easy!

The step for ‘Pin Comment Template’

Step 1: Go to the ‘Pin comment template‘ from the panel.

Profile > Setting > Pin Comment template

Step 2: Customize the text on the right text box. Otherwise, leave it as the system’s default template.

Do not change the shortcode in order for the system to detect it and change it accordingly.

Step 3: Go to the ‘KEYWORDS‘ on the left menu. Click the copy icon beside the keywords.


Step 4: Paste it to the comment and pin it if needed.

Bulk post comment template

Instead of posting the keyword one by one, you can bulk-select the keywords and post them in one shot.

Step 1: Select the keywords by checking the box beside them & click on the ‘Bulk Comment Template’.

Keywords > Select the keywords > click on the ‘Bulk Comment Template’

Step2: Copy the template

Click the ‘Copy’ button
FB has limited wording per comment. Thus, only the first one will use the template format. The rest of the bulk will use the default format, instead of repeating the same template.

Step 3: Paste them into the comment.

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