To integrate Skynet as a courier service, please follow these steps:
- Ensure you already have a Skynet account.
- Go to Boxify’s admin panel → Settings →
Shipping Profiles.
- Create a new profile and fill in all the necessary fields. Remember to save
Fill the highlighted fields with your Skynet’s details. - Create a dummy order to test the integration.
- Go to the orders list, such as “All orders”.
- Select the order you want to ship.
- Click on the “Courier” option in the top bar and select “Skynet”.
- You will see 4 options:
- Create AWB – Create an AWB for the selected orders (you
can download the AWB after creation).
Example of Create AWB. It will show you errors if the shipping fields
are incomplete. - Download AWB PDF – If you forgot to download the
previously created AWB, you can redownload it here. Note that the AWB is
in batch format, meaning if you created 10 AWBs in a batch, they will be
combined into a single PDF file.
- Create Pickup – Schedule a pickup so Skynet will come
to your location. - View Pickups – View and manage your created pickups.
- Create AWB – Create an AWB for the selected orders (you