Tips to start FB Live with Boxify

Last modified: May 28, 2020
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Estimated reading time: 1 min
  1. Pin your keywords,price & products. This will bring convenience to your customers who later join your live session.
  2. Please check your stock quantity and make sure it’s not Zero. Customers cannot place orders if your Stock becomes Zero.
  3. If customers request to change an item, you can ask them to place the order by comment then inbox to your customer service to inform them of the canceled item. For now, the Stock quantity that keys into the system is only for the ordering of comment keywords. Any plus or minus stock will need to adjust manually. Any orders created manually won’t be deducted from Stock.
  4. To prevent Spam, any same comment’s order within 5 mins will be treated as 1 order only.
    Example 1: Customer (S) comment B+1 to place order, after a second, (S) wants to increase his qty to 2. In this scene, (S) can comment again B+1 after 5mins. Then (S) will get his order quantity total in 2.
    Example 2: Customer (Z) comment A+1 to place order, after a second, (Z) wants to increase his qty to 3, In this scene, (Z) can comment A+2 immediately regardless of the time frame restrict. Then (Z) will get this order quantity total in 3.
  5. You may print out your keywords list for your reference during live stream.
  6. You may export keywords list as excel which convenient for you to Pin your comment during your live. Just copy & paste will do.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~GOOD LUCK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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