Set up Ninjavan

Last modified: November 24, 2022
Estimated reading time: 1 min

Boxify is integrated with Ninja Van to provide a seamless & simple shipping process to our merchant.
Ninjavan Simple setup & process flow as below:

Ninjavan Set up in Boxify:

Step 1: Sign up with Ninja Van by filling up the sign-up form. Ninja Van team will then contact you.

Step 2: Go ‘SETTING’ > ‘NINJAVAN‘ to fill up the required info.

Required info:

Label: Shipping name
From name: Your company name
From PhoneNumber: Your contact number
From email: Your email address
From address 1&2, city, state & postcode: Your company address

Is Pickup Required: Toggle on if you require to pick up
Show item on Waybills: Toggle on if you want the item shown on the waybills. (will be shown in Version 2)
Parcel Size: Select the parcel size. (Defined by Ninjavan)
Pickup Timeslot: Select your preferred time to pick up the parcel.
Service Level: Always select ‘Standard‘.
Country: Malaysia.

API Key name, Client_id & Client_secret: Login to Ninjavan account, you can get it under Setting > IT Setting.

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